Certificate Configurations

Configure server certificate and private key file.

Test if SSL connection works.

Protocol Version


Set proxy.config.ssl.SSLv2 to 0, ..., proxy.config.ssl.TLSv1 to 1, ...: Test if Traffic Server does not use SSL version 2, ..., uses TLS version 1, ..., when it handshakes with client.

Protocol Version (Traffic Server as client)


Set proxy.config.ssl.SSLv2 to 0, ..., proxy.config.ssl.TLSv1 to 1, ...: Test if Traffic Server does not use SSL version 2, ..., uses TLS version 1, ..., when it handshakes with origin server.

Cipher Suite


Set proxy.config.ssl.server.cipher_suite to ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:...: Test if Traffic Server is using a cipher suite in the list when it handshakes with client.

Cipher Suite (Traffic Server as client)


Set proxy.config.ssl.client.cipher_suite to ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:...: Test if Traffic Server is using a cipher suite in the list when it handshakes with origin server.

Multicert Loading

The ssl_multicert.config file lets you configure Traffic Server to use multiple SSL server certificates to terminate the SSL sessions. If you have a Traffic Server system with more than one IP address assigned to it, then you can assign a different SSL certificate to be served when a client requests a particular IP address or host name.

Rewrite with new_tsqa: test-multicert-loading

Privilege Elevation

Set records.config:

CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.cert.load_elevated INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.plugin.load_elevated INT 1

CONFIG proxy.config.diags.debug.enabled INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.diags.debug.tags STRING 'privileges'

Rewrite with new_tsqa: test-privilege-elevation

Verify Client’s Certificate

We can authenticate client during SSL handshake, and client is required to provide a certificate.


Set records.config:

This is a test certificate signed by a test CA, which is not in system PKI or browser. So, we need to specify the CA certificate:

# 1: optional 2: required
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.certification_level INT 2

# specify CA file name and path, who signed client's certificate
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.CA.cert.filename STRING ca.crt
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.CA.cert.path STRING etc/trafficserver

Test if Traffic Server verifies client’s certificate.

Verify Origin Server’s Certificate

We can configure it to verify the origin server certificate with the Certificate Authority (CA).

Notice: By default, Traffic Server does not verify the origin server!


Set records.config:

CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.verify.server INT 1

# specify CA file name and path, who signed origin server's certificate
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.CA.cert.filename STRING ca.crt
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.client.CA.cert.path STRING etc/trafficserver

Test if Traffic Server verifies origin server’s certificate.

Verified by Origin Server

Send origin server certificate for verification. Here Traffic Server is SSL client, and origin server requires to verify Traffic Server.


Test if Traffic Server passed origin server’s verification.


Done: test_https

Session Reuse

  1. Session Ticket
  2. Session ID

OCSP Stapling


By default, Traffic Server does not enable OCSP Stapling.

  1. Good OCSP response.

    Generate a test certificate with OCSP extensions; start an OCSP server. Test if Traffic Server staples the good OCSP response and sends it to client along with certificate in SSL handshake.

  2. Revoked OCSP response.

    Generate a test certificate with OCSP extensions, then revoke it; start an OCSP server. Test if Traffic Server staples the revoked OCSP response and sends it to client along with certificate in SSL handshake.

  3. Unknown OCSP response.

    Generate a test certificate with OCSP extensions, then remove the entry in test CA’s database; start an OCSP server. Test if Traffic Server staples the unknown OCSP response and sends it to client along with certificate in SSL handshake.

Dual Certificate (ECDSA + RSA)
